Skipp Sudduth
Skipp Sudduth, nom de scène de Robert Lee Sudduth IV (né le 23 août 1956 à Barnstable, Massachusetts), est un acteur, réalisateur et musicien américain.
Il est particulièrement connu dans un des rôles principaux de la série télévisée New York 911 (Third Watch, 1999 à 2005), celui du policier John « Sully » Sullivan.
The Good Wife
(TV series)
Jim Moody
Jim Moody
Silly Season
Jim Moody
Nine Hours
Jim Moody
Poisoned Pill
Jim Moody
Live from Lincoln Center
(TV series)
Capt. George Brackett
Capt. George Brackett
South Pacific
Capt. George Brackett
New York - Section criminelle
(TV series)
Clete Dixon
Clete Dixon
Neighborhood Watch
Clete Dixon
Esprits criminels
(TV series)
Det. Stan Gordinski
Det. Stan Gordinski
Profiler, Profiled
Det. Stan Gordinski
New York 911
(TV series)
Officer John Sullivan / John 'Sully' Sullivan
Officer John Sullivan / John 'Sully' Sullivan
Goodbye to Camelot
Officer John Sullivan
End of Tour
Officer John Sullivan
How Do You Spell Belief?
Officer John Sullivan
Welcome Home
Officer John Sullivan
Too Little, Too Late
Officer John Sullivan
New York - Police judiciaire
(TV series)
Hank Chapel / IAB Detective / Officer Cass
Hank Chapel / IAB Detective / Officer Cass
Officer Cass
IAB Detective
Act of God
Hank Chapel
Dingue de toi
(TV series)
Construction Worker #1
Construction Worker #1
Season Opener
Construction Worker #1
(TV series)
Lenny Burrano
Mutants in Paradise
Lenny Burrano
Animal Farm
Lenny Burrano
Strange Bedfellows
Lenny Burrano
Plan B
Lenny Burrano
Straight Life
Lenny Burrano
God's Chillin'
Lenny Burrano
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